Can I add other ingredients to my clay face mask besides water?

Clay Face Masks can be a versatile addition to any skincare regimen.

While clay powders are very effective when made into a simple paste with water, they can also be mixed with other ingredients for an added benefit or just for fun and experimentation.

There are many ingredients from your kitchen cupboard that can be added to a clay facial mask and each can provide its own possible skin benefits.

However, if you want to take advantage of "the science of clay" then you must understand that the property of clay that allows it to bind with impurities becomes activated by the chemical nature of water.

Understanding the idea that cosmetic clays need to be mixed with "water" to do their "thing," great additions would be hydrosols, teas, or any water-based liquid.

Directions: Simply use the tea or hydrosol in place of the water in your clay mask preparation. As then used as directed.

But what about other ingredients like eggs, yogurt, or honey?

For a lot more information about adding ingredients to your facial clay mask please read our blog "Clay Facial Mask Recipes & Some Science Behind Them"

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